Saturday, February 21, 2009

Group passion

Ahh, this video brings back many good memories! (:
As I was thinking about the topic for this week's blog entry, I once again came across this favourite video of mine that triggered me to think about my good ol' band days in school. Incidentally, I think it can be rather associated with what we have learnt about Group Communications in class.

I have been in a concert band ever since my secondary school days till junior college. Not only has band incited in me a greater passion for music, it has also taught me the synergy and effectiveness of a group.

I remember joining the band at Secondary One (age of 13), not really knowing what was in store for me. Other than picking up a new skill of playing the saxophone, I would say that I have learnt much about working in a group and the roles we play in a group.

If you were from a concert band, I am sure you would have heard of this phrase "The band is as good as its weakest player." Being in the band, one of the most important qualities constantly emphasised (implicitly or explicitly) was always "teamwork". If each individual chose to be selfish and play the music with their own interpretation, or chose not to even practice their parts..the band will not be able to achieve the music the conductor has intended for the band. Ultimately, everyone in the band will suffer from the effects of this selfish individual. What I'm trying to say here is that in a group like a band, the group's needs become first priority compared to each member's individual needs. I remember there were several incidents when I did not agree with the interpretations by the conductor, or agreed with how the teachers/band leaders handled certain situations, but I still chose to follow along with them believing that it was for the good of the band. (Or maybe I was afraid to be rejected by them due to my opposing views?)

Although initially joining the band was just another CCA to us, over time we build great rapport and dependance on each other. Through the ups and downs of preparations for competitions and performances, we learnt more about the how the band functioned and how to work with each members weaknesses and strengths to perform optimally. You probably never realised, but the more you work within the group, we begin to subconciously recognise written and unwritten norms to be followed and we will gradually follow a certain pattern of communication. Along the time that we spend with one another, the band (esp among batchmates) tend to form a collective identity and will share common views and behavioural standards.

All in all, I think i enjoyed my time in the band not only because of being able to enjoy and play music with like-minded musicians, I also had fun times with my fellow band members that I have grown to love and depend on through our the many obstacles we overcame together. (:


  1. Ah, yes the inevitable bonding and lifelong attachmnet that comes from being part of team working towards a common goal. However, sad to say, these bonds need constant time and commitiment. Over time, as more and more of other life priorites take over, these bonds weaken and eventually fade, though their memories still remain.

  2. No one can deny the advantages of a group. In a group, so much more resources are available to help the group achieve its goal. And i agree that over time, if things work out within the group, we tend to get dependent on them too! Feeling part of a group that accepts you and you feel comfortable in sort of gives us self-validation and and acceptance that satisfies our social needs.

  3. Do you know that when a group does particularly well e.g wins a national award, band competition or something like that, the bonds becoe even stronger and more would join up. So being in a succesful group is important to life long bonding e.g look at those school or business alumni that are consistently in the headlines. Lots of pple would join to be part of a successful group. So that could be the resaon why bands have to keep winning competitons.

  4. whoaaa. this commenting thing is serious overload within this short span of time. okay here goes the replying!

    Dad: a group, we need each individual to constantly contribute and make the effort to maintain it. even now, many of us have drifted apart and only a small pocket groups of us remain in contact or go back for alumni band prac. i guess as life goes on, ppl's needs and priorities change, thus the dissociation from a group to join other groups.

  5. Annon: you sound like a comms student alr! well, yes groups certainly have an advantage over individuals when it comes to working on a project. however, like i've said, people tend to also conform themselves to the group, rather than strive for their own personal goals. Meaning that we tend to play down our priorities and our needs for the sake of the group and in turn we may not achieve what we as an individual set out to achieve within the context of a group. then there's also having to deal with the different characters in the group and having to make several discussions to come to an agreement or compromise on a certain issue. that's why some people would choose individual work rather than group work anytime!

    Hin: hmmm..yeah. i guess it's all part of the prestige to belong to a group that is popular or well-known. not only does belonging to a successful group confirm the abilities of the group..being associated with the group is also self-advertisement..helping to boost our ego and to prove to others our capabilities. like our personal portfolio.
    yea and maybe that's why we are constantly striving as a band to not just perform great music, but also to win competitions like the SYF. (great advertisement for the school too haha)

  6. LOLS! the video damn random la! but twas funny!
    i guess being in the band did teach you much about the behaviour and attitudes to take when working in a group. i'm sure you would learn more as you go through more project works in uni and subsequently in the office when you work. all the best!

  7. Hey! yea thanks Ed. I think i have already learnt much from being in the band for 6 years as well as going through my project group work for Comms. we must learn to accommodate with group member's weaknesses and utilise the strengths of each member. takes more time and effort from everyone, but i guess it pays off ultimately! (:

  8. There is indeed truth in the phrase 'greater than the sum of its parts' and yes, "synergy" is the wonderful by-product of all things united. We may join a group for a gamut of reasons but at the very end of the day, we are become common. Not commoners without individualism, but common-ers who share the same memories, same experiences and same life-lessons. I think this is where communication is at its best.

  9. Jo: Hey! I liked it when you mentioned "Not commoners without individualism, but common-ers who share.." so true. sharing these memories and experiences together create something common in us all and also forms a bond that lasts. despite being our own individuals, we decide to put our differences apart to come together to pursue as a band and fufill our collective goal of being a good concert band.
